Six Word Saturday: Getting Better

Six Word Saturday:

So grateful for having sick leave.


Image courtesy of marin /

Every winter I have the flu vaccine and almost every year I get sick anyway. There is never a good time to get sick. Last year, although I was ill for my birthday I didn’t require any time off work because my catching the flu coincided with the school holidays. This time I’ve just returned from the holidays and immediately come down with the flu. I struggled through the first day back with a determination not to let it get the better of me but once the day was over and I only wanted to sleep I knew that I had to take at least one day to stay in bed. That was Wednesday, and it only got worse. There was a time when I worked as a contractor and only got paid for actual days worked, that combined with past bosses who courageously continued working (and coughing and sneezing on everyone and everything) means I have conditioned myself to just work through a bit of a sniffle. When you can hardly get out of bed that is when you are grateful for sick leave and current colleagues insisting that you stay home. Thankfully I’m on the mend now, still not great but getting there.

Happy Saturday everyone!


21 thoughts on “Six Word Saturday: Getting Better

  1. Get well soon. Working in a school is an occupational hazard and it’s horrid to be ill in the holidays as well as at work. Glad you have understanding colleagues and you’re in a job where being sick is recognised. Grrrr. xxx

  2. Pingback: Share Your World – 2015 Week #28 | Rainbow Bakery

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